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2022-04-11 07:35:43热度:144°C






绿茶 green tea 、红茶 black tea、黑茶 dark tea、乌龙/青茶 oolong tea、黄茶 yellow tea、白茶 white tea


备具 prepare tea ware

备水 prepare water

温壶 warm pot

备茶 prepare tea

赏茶 appreciate tea

温盅 warm pitcher

置茶 put in tea

闻香 smell fragrance

第一道茶 first infusion

计时 set timer

烫杯 warm cups

例茶 pour tea

备杯 prepare cups

分茶 divide tea

端杯奉茶 serve tea by cups

冲第二道茶 second infusion

持盅奉茶 serve tea by pitcher

供应茶点 supply snacks

去渣 take out brewed leaves

赏叶底 appreciate leaves

涮壶 rinse pot

归位 return to seat

清盅 rinse pitcher

收杯 collect cups

结束 conclude


回甘 sweet after taste——回味较佳,略有甜感。

醇厚 mellow and thick——爽适甘厚。

淡薄 plain and thin——入口稍有茶味,以后就淡而无味。同义词:和淡;清淡;平淡。

涩 astringency——茶汤入口后,有麻嘴厚舌的感觉。

苦 bitter——入口即有苦味,后味更苦。

熟味 ripe taste——茶汤入口不爽,带有蒸熟或闷熟味。

高火味 high-fire taste——高火气的茶叶,在尝味时也有火气味。

老火味 over-fired taste——近似带焦的味感。

陈味 stale taste——陈变的滋味。


铁观音 Tie Guanyin Tea/Tat-Kuan-Yin Tea / Iron Buddism

龙井茶 Longjing tea/Lungching / Dragon Well Tea

君山银针 Junshan Silver Needle Tea

碧螺春 Biluochun tea/ Pi Lou Chun

牡丹绣球 Peony Jasmine Tea

黄山毛峰 Huangshan Maofeng

岩茶 Rock tea

菊花茶 Chrysanthemum Tea

大红袍 Dahongpao Tea (Wuyi Mountain Rock Tea)

普洱 Puer Tea

茉莉花茶 Jasmine Tea

太平猴魁 Taiping Houkui Tea

大白毫 White Milli- Silver Needle Tea

信阳毛尖 Xinyang Maojian Tea (Green Tea)


tea pot 茶壶、tea pad 壶垫、tea plate、茶船

tea pitcher茶盅、lid saucer 盖置、tea serving tray奉茶盘

tea cup 茶杯、cup saucer杯托、tea towel tray 茶巾盘

tea holder 茶荷、tea towel 茶巾、tea brush 茶拂

water kettle 水壶、tea basin 水盂、covered bowl 盖碗

tea spoon 茶匙、tea canister 茶罐、tea bowl 茶碗





SQL Error: select id,classid,MATCH(title) AGAINST('41642866 28664147 41472136 21365448 54482590 25901872 18725022 50223220 18725022' IN BOOLEAN MODE) as jhc from ***_enewssearchall where (id<>331533) and MATCH(title) AGAINST('41642866 28664147 41472136 21365448 54482590 25901872 18725022 50223220 18725022' IN BOOLEAN MODE) order by jhc desc,infotime desc limit 0, 6