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Development-Conservation Dilemma in the NilgiriMountains of South India

2021-02-23 13:04:16热度:171°C

The Nilgiri Mountains of south India is considered unique by anthropologists, geologists, climatologists, botanists as well as tourists. It has remained a subject of constant study and research over the last two centuries. Man-nature balance had continued undisturbed in the Nilgiris for thousands of years until the early 19th century when it became a British colony attracting, in due course, various developmental activities. Subsequently, the Nilgiris and its popular hill stations emerged as favourite places for the British population in India for rest and recuperation, game and for raising commercial plantations. In the process, the traditional indigenous crops were replaced by "English" vegetables and the natural forests gave way to commercial plantations of coffee, tea and other exotic species of trees.


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