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A Comparison of Techniques for Preparing Somatic Chromosomes in Ribes Species

2021-02-21 11:57:39热度:169°C

Ribes plants,like most of other fruit trees ,are characterized by their large number but small size of somatic chromosomes.In the light of these spccial characteristies,we have examined several factorial combinations of material,pretreatment,slide preparing method and stain to identify the most promising techique for studying the chromosomes and further analyzing the karyotypes and chromosome banding of Ribes plants.The resuts indicated that the combination of root tip with pretreatment of 2m molL^-1 8-hydroxyquinoline plus 0.05% colchicine or 0.3% balm for 3-5 hours at 14℃,pre-hypotonic treatment of 0.07mol L^-1 KCl for 30min,fixation in Carnoy"s fluid,hydrolysis in 5% cellulase and 5% pectinase mixture for 4-5 hours at 25℃,post-hypotoic treatment in distilled water for half an hour and staining in Giemsa Could make the chromosome preparation superior to other treatment combinations.




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