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The Elapsing Backstreets in Chongqing

2021-02-24 17:16:08热度:198°C

The backstreets are those old narrow lanes, never considered as arterial roads, hidden behind high buildings and large mansions. With the veiling effects of surrounding mountains, the unique landform of Chonqging results in many backstreets. In general, these backstreets have all witnessed certain periods of the history;, most of the old houses on both sides of the lanes have stood there for over 50 years, if not longer.无人茶叶店黑美人茶叶


SQL Error: select id,classid,MATCH(title) AGAINST('The Elapsing Backstreets' IN BOOLEAN MODE) as jhc from ***_enewssearchall where (id<>236235) and MATCH(title) AGAINST('The Elapsing Backstreets' IN BOOLEAN MODE) order by jhc desc,infotime desc limit 0, 6