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A Nove Asymmetric ent—Kauranoid Dimer from Isodon enanderianus

2021-02-22 16:20:53热度:170°C

Further investigation on the aerial parts of Isodon enanderianus afforded a novel asymmetric ent-kauranoid dimer,enanderi-nanin J(1).The structure of the dimer was elucidated by means of spectroscopic methods (including 2D NMR tecniques ),Enanderinanin J was a dimer of xerophilusin A and probably formed by [4+2] cycloaddition.

完成机构:[1]StateKeyLaboratoryofPhytochemistryandPlantResourcesinWestChina,KunmingInstituteofBotany,CinaeseAcademyofSciencesKunming,Yunnan650204,China [2]StateKeyLaboratoryofPhytochemistryandPlantResourcesinWestChin



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