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Subacute(90Days) Oral Toxicity Studies of Kombucha Tea

2021-02-21 13:32:34热度:199°C

Kombucha tes(KT) is a popular health beverage and is used as an alternative therapy,KT is prepared by placing the kombucha culture in solution of tea and sugar and allowing to ferment,The inoculum is a fungus consisting of symbiotic colony of yeast and bacteria.KT is consumed in several coutries and is believed to have prophylactic and therapeutic benefits in a wide variety of ailments,viz.,intestinal disorders,arthritis,ageing and stiumulation of immunological system.Though KT is used in several parts of the world its eneficial effects and adverse effects have not been scientifically evaluated.Since there are no animal toxicological data on KT,subacute oral toxicity study was carried out.Five goups of rats were maintained:(a) control group given tap water orally,(b) KT given 2ml/kg orally,(c)plain tea(PT) given 2ml/kg orally,(d)KT given in drinking water,1%(v/v)and (e)PT given indrinking water,1%(v/v).The rats were given this treatment daily for a period of 90 days,Weekly records of weight,feed intake,water intake and general behaviour were monitored.There was no significant difference in the growth of the animals as evidenced by the progrssive body weight change.The organ to body weight ration and histologuical evaluation did not show any toxic signs.The haematological and biochemical variables,were within the clinical limits.The study indicates that rats fed KT for 90 day showed no toxic effects.

完成机构:[1]towhomcorrespondencetobeaddressed. [2]DefenceResearchandDevelopmentEstablishment,JhansiRoad,Gwalior-474002,India



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