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1 GB/T 8302-1987 茶 取样 Tea--Sampling
2 GB/T 8303-1987 茶 磨碎试样的制备及其干物质含量测定 Tea--Preparation of ground sample and determination of dry matter content
3 GB/T 8304-1987 茶 水分测定 Tea--Determination of moisture content
4 GB/T 8305-1987 茶 水浸出物测定 Tea--Determination of water extracts content
5 GB/T 8306-1987 茶 总灰分测定 Tea--Determination of total ash content
6 GB/T 8307-1987 茶 水溶性灰分和水不溶性灰分测定 Tea--Determination of water-soluble ash and water-insoluble ash content
7 GB/T 8308-1987 茶 酸不溶性灰分测定 Tea--Determination of acid-insoluble ash content
8 GB/T 8309-1987 茶 水溶性灰分碱度测定 Tea--Determination of alkalinity of water-soluble ash content
9 GB/T 8310-1987 茶 粗纤维测定 Tea--Determination of crude fibre content
10 GB/T 8311-1987 茶 粉末和碎茶含量测定 Tea--Determination of dust and broken tea content
11 GB/T 8312-1987 茶 咖啡碱测定 Tea--Determination of caffeine content
12 GB/T 8313-1987 茶 茶多酚测定 Tea--Determination of tea polyphenols content
13 GB/T 8314-1987 茶 游离氨基酸测定 Tea--Determination of free amino acids content
14 GB 8537-1995 饮用天然矿泉水 Drinking natural mineral water
15 GB/T 8538-1995 饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 Methods for examination of drinking natural mineral water
16 GB/T 9172-1988 花茶级型坯 Grades of basket-fired green tea for scenting
17 GB/T 9833.1-1988 紧压茶 花砖茶 Brick tea--Hua zhuan tea
18 GB/T 9833.2-1988 紧压茶 黑砖茶 Brick tea--Hei zhuan tea
19 GB/T 9833.3-1988 紧压茶 茯砖茶 Brick tea--Fu zhuan tea
20 GB/T 9833.4-1989 紧压茶 康砖茶 Brick tea—Kang zhuan tea
21 GB/T 9833.5-1989 紧压茶 沱茶 Brick tea—Tuo tea
22 GB/T 9833.6-1989 紧压茶 紧茶 Brick tea—Jin tea
23 GB/T 9833.7-1989 紧压茶 金尖茶 Brick tea—Jin jian tea
24 GB/T 9833.8-1993 紧压茶 米砖茶 Brick tea--Mi zhuan tea
25 GB/T 9833.9-1993 紧压茶 青砖茶 Brick tea--Qing zhuan tea
26 GB 10789-1996 软饮料的分类 Classification of soft drinks
27 GB/T 10790-1989 软饮料的检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存 Regulations for acceptance labelling packaging transportation and storage of soft drinks
28 GB/T 10791-1989 软饮料原辅材料的要求 Requirements of ingredients for soft drinks
29 GB/T 10792-1995 碳酸饮料(汽水) Carbonated drinks(Soda water)
30 GB/T 12143.1-1989 软饮料中可溶性固形物的测定方法 折光计法 Determination method for soluble solids content in soft drinks—Refractometric
31 GB/T 12143.2-1989 果蔬汁饮料中氨基态氮的测定方法 甲醛值法 Determination method for amino nitrogen content in fruit and vegetable juice beverages--Formol number
32 GB/T 12143.3-1989 果蔬汁饮料中L-抗坏血酸的测定方法 乙醚萃取法 Determination method for L-ascorbic acid in fruit and vegetable juice beverages—Ethyl ether extraction method
33 GB/T 12143.4-1992 碳酸饮料中二氧化碳的测定方法 Method for determination of carbondioxide in carbonated soft drink
34 GB/T 12143.5-1992 浓缩果汁中乙醇的测定方法 Method for determination of alcohol in concentrated fruit juices
35 GB/T 13738.2-1992 第二套红碎茶 The second set of broken black tea
36 GB/T 13738.4-1992 第四套红碎茶 The fourth set of broken black tea
37 GB/T 14456-1993 绿茶 Green tea
38 GB/T 14487-1993 茶叶感官审评术语 The terms of tea sensory tests
39 GB/T 16771-1997 橙、柑、桔汁及其饮料中果汁含量的测定 Determination of juice content in orange,mandarine,tangerine juice and their drinks
40 GB/T 13738.1-1997 第一套红碎茶 The first set of broken black tea
41 GB 17323-1998 瓶装饮用纯净水 Bottled purified water fur drinking
42 GB 17324-1998 瓶装饮用纯净水卫生标准 Hygienic standard of bottled purified water for drinking 水金龟茶叶昆明的茶叶
2021-02-09 12:32:01热度:247°C
1 GB/T 8302-1987 茶 取样 Tea--Sampling
2 GB/T 8303-1987 茶 磨碎试样的制备及其干物质含量测定 Tea--Preparation of ground sample and determination of dry matter content
3 GB/T 8304-1987 茶 水分测定 Tea--Determination of moisture content
4 GB/T 8305-1987 茶 水浸出物测定 Tea--Determination of water extracts content
5 GB/T 8306-1987 茶 总灰分测定 Tea--Determination of total ash content
6 GB/T 8307-1987 茶 水溶性灰分和水不溶性灰分测定 Tea--Determination of water-soluble ash and water-insoluble ash content
7 GB/T 8308-1987 茶 酸不溶性灰分测定 Tea--Determination of acid-insoluble ash content
8 GB/T 8309-1987 茶 水溶性灰分碱度测定 Tea--Determination of alkalinity of water-soluble ash content
9 GB/T 8310-1987 茶 粗纤维测定 Tea--Determination of crude fibre content
10 GB/T 8311-1987 茶 粉末和碎茶含量测定 Tea--Determination of dust and broken tea content
11 GB/T 8312-1987 茶 咖啡碱测定 Tea--Determination of caffeine content
12 GB/T 8313-1987 茶 茶多酚测定 Tea--Determination of tea polyphenols content
13 GB/T 8314-1987 茶 游离氨基酸测定 Tea--Determination of free amino acids content
14 GB 8537-1995 饮用天然矿泉水 Drinking natural mineral water
15 GB/T 8538-1995 饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 Methods for examination of drinking natural mineral water
16 GB/T 9172-1988 花茶级型坯 Grades of basket-fired green tea for scenting
17 GB/T 9833.1-1988 紧压茶 花砖茶 Brick tea--Hua zhuan tea
18 GB/T 9833.2-1988 紧压茶 黑砖茶 Brick tea--Hei zhuan tea
19 GB/T 9833.3-1988 紧压茶 茯砖茶 Brick tea--Fu zhuan tea
20 GB/T 9833.4-1989 紧压茶 康砖茶 Brick tea—Kang zhuan tea
21 GB/T 9833.5-1989 紧压茶 沱茶 Brick tea—Tuo tea
22 GB/T 9833.6-1989 紧压茶 紧茶 Brick tea—Jin tea
23 GB/T 9833.7-1989 紧压茶 金尖茶 Brick tea—Jin jian tea
24 GB/T 9833.8-1993 紧压茶 米砖茶 Brick tea--Mi zhuan tea
25 GB/T 9833.9-1993 紧压茶 青砖茶 Brick tea--Qing zhuan tea
26 GB 10789-1996 软饮料的分类 Classification of soft drinks
27 GB/T 10790-1989 软饮料的检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存 Regulations for acceptance labelling packaging transportation and storage of soft drinks
28 GB/T 10791-1989 软饮料原辅材料的要求 Requirements of ingredients for soft drinks
29 GB/T 10792-1995 碳酸饮料(汽水) Carbonated drinks(Soda water)
30 GB/T 12143.1-1989 软饮料中可溶性固形物的测定方法 折光计法 Determination method for soluble solids content in soft drinks—Refractometric
31 GB/T 12143.2-1989 果蔬汁饮料中氨基态氮的测定方法 甲醛值法 Determination method for amino nitrogen content in fruit and vegetable juice beverages--Formol number
32 GB/T 12143.3-1989 果蔬汁饮料中L-抗坏血酸的测定方法 乙醚萃取法 Determination method for L-ascorbic acid in fruit and vegetable juice beverages—Ethyl ether extraction method
33 GB/T 12143.4-1992 碳酸饮料中二氧化碳的测定方法 Method for determination of carbondioxide in carbonated soft drink
34 GB/T 12143.5-1992 浓缩果汁中乙醇的测定方法 Method for determination of alcohol in concentrated fruit juices
35 GB/T 13738.2-1992 第二套红碎茶 The second set of broken black tea
36 GB/T 13738.4-1992 第四套红碎茶 The fourth set of broken black tea
37 GB/T 14456-1993 绿茶 Green tea
38 GB/T 14487-1993 茶叶感官审评术语 The terms of tea sensory tests
39 GB/T 16771-1997 橙、柑、桔汁及其饮料中果汁含量的测定 Determination of juice content in orange,mandarine,tangerine juice and their drinks
40 GB/T 13738.1-1997 第一套红碎茶 The first set of broken black tea
41 GB 17323-1998 瓶装饮用纯净水 Bottled purified water fur drinking
42 GB 17324-1998 瓶装饮用纯净水卫生标准 Hygienic standard of bottled purified water for drinking