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GREEN TEA FESTIVAL--In April,2005,in an early spring for outing and tea tasting,Wuyutai Teahouse com

2021-02-24 16:48:36热度:211°C

The green tea belongs to the type of non-fermenting tea,with a quality feature of “clear tea infusion with green leaves”;this type of tea has the biggest output in China,and the basic processing procedure of the green tea is divded into three steps:heating ,rubbing and dyring,According to the different processing technologies,茶叶煮鸡肉茶叶工序


SQL Error: select id,classid,MATCH(title) AGAINST('GREEN TEA FESTIVAL In A' IN BOOLEAN MODE) as jhc from ***_enewssearchall where (id<>235110) and MATCH(title) AGAINST('GREEN TEA FESTIVAL In A' IN BOOLEAN MODE) order by jhc desc,infotime desc limit 0, 6