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Ortho-Hydroxylation of Phenol by Tyrosinase Model Compounds
2021-02-24 16:32:24热度:165°C
A series of tyrosinase model ligands and complexes containing polyimidazoles were prepared. 2, 4-Di-tert-butyl-phenol was ortho-hydroxylated by the binuclear copper (I) complex [Cu2(6a)(CH3CN)2](ClO4)2 8a and molecular dioxygen under mild conditions with up to 80.4% yield, 91.4% selectivity and 92.0% conversion.完成机构:DepartmentofChemistry,SichuanUniversity,Chengdu610064
SQL Error: select id,classid,MATCH(title) AGAINST('Ortho Hydroxylation of P' IN BOOLEAN MODE) as jhc from ***_enewssearchall where (id<>234457) and MATCH(title) AGAINST('Ortho Hydroxylation of P' IN BOOLEAN MODE) order by jhc desc,infotime desc limit 0, 6相关推荐
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