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Studies on Thermodynamic Properties of Adsorption of Theophylline by Phenolic Resin Adsorbents

2021-02-23 13:07:00热度:214°C

In the present work, the equilibrium adsorption of theophylline was studied by phenolic resin adsor-bents: JDW-2 (made by ourselves) and Duolite S-761 within a temperature range of 303--323 K. The experi-mental results show that the Freundlich adsorption law is applicable to the adsorption of theophylline on thetwo adsorbents, the exponents n>l indicate that they are favorable to the adsorptions; the negative values ofall the isosteric adsorption enthalpies for the theophylline indicate the exothermic process of the adsorption,while the range(10—40 kJ/mol) of their magnitudes manifests the physisorption process; other thermody-namic properties, the free energy changes and the entropy change associated with adsorption have been calcu-lated from the Gibbs adsorption equation and the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation.

完成机构:[1]ShenyangCollegeofChemicalTechnology,Shenyang110021,P.R.China [2]TheStateKeyLaboratoryofFunctionalPolymerMaterialsforAdsorptionandSeparation,InstituteofPolymerChemistry,NankaiUniversity,Tianfin300071,P.R.China



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